

A collection of consistent scientific studies on front-of-pack labels. The Nutriscore is debunked by solid arguments.

Effects on consumers’ subjective understanding and liking of Front-Of-Pack Nutrition Labels: a study on Polish consumers.

Mazzù, M. F., Romani, S., Baccelloni, A., & Gambicorti, A. (2021).

International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition.

The investigation aims to assess the clear comprehension by consumers of the information provided by the NutrInform Battery FOPL scheme, based on a sample of 200 Italian respondents, in a real-life setting, with products representative of the most widely consumed food categories, using a between-subject design. Participants were randomly assigned to one of the two conditions: products marked with NutrInform Battery or Nutri-Score labels. The results provided evidence of the effectiveness of NutrInform Battery in being perceived by consumers as an informative FOPL scheme. Specifically, consumers found NutrInform Battery more informative and helpful than Nutri-Score in terms of their understanding of the product composition.

A cross-country experimental study on consumers’ subjective understanding and liking on front-of-pack nutrition labels.

Mazzù, M. F., Romani, S., Baccelloni, A., & Gambicorti, A. (2021).

International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition.

This study tests the effect that NutrInform Battery and Nutri-Score have on subjective comprehension and liking across 2776 respondents of seven European countries. Findings suggest that NutrInform Battery can help consumers in understanding information in a relevant way, obtaining the highest performance across countries and showing limited impact of socio-cultural differences.

In Search of Superiority: Exploring the Effectiveness Gap of Front-of-Pack Nutritional Labels. An Assessment of Consumer’s Decision-Making Process Toward Healthier Food Choices.

Mazzù, M.F., Romani, S., Baccelloni, A., & Simonetti, E. (2021).

Journal of Food Science and Nutrition

The use of Front-of-Pack Labels (FOPLs) on pre-packaged foods and their impact on consumer decision making have been investigated from multiple angles, with the hope of identifying a FOPL that could be considered undoubtedly superior to all others, two major streams of evidence emerge, depending on the underlying view on how a consumer should be supported (more guided vs. more informed) and the subsequent measurements of objective vs. subjective understanding.

Effects on consumers’ subjective understanding and liking of Front-Of-Pack Nutrition Labels: a study on Polish consumers.

Mazzù, M.F., Romani, S., Baccelloni, A., & Simonetti, E. (2021)

Future of the Traditional Diets, Chapter 4.

This study explores the impact of the new enriched informative label NutrInform Battery as potential alternative to summary label on subjective comprehension and liking across 424 respondents in Poland, while exploring the impact of age, income and education as main socio-demographic variables.
Findings confirm that NutrInform Battery can better help consumers in understanding information, obtaining the highest performance on subjective understanding, while neutralizing the effects of education and income on the dependent variables. As regards the liking, the two labels show no significant difference.

Introducing the Front-Of-Pack Acceptance Model: The Role Of Usefulness And Ease-Of-Use In European Consumers’ Acceptance Of Front-Of-Pack Labels.

Mazzù, M. F., Romani, S., Baccelloni, A., Lavini, L. (2021)

International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition.

In recent years, increasing attention to the utilisation of Front-Of-Pack Labels (FOPLs) as a tool to prompt individuals towards healthier food choices, we developed a new theoretical framework, the Front-Of-Pack Acceptance Model, Our findings suggest a structural link between the usefulness and ease of use of the labels and the way consumers form their attitudes and intentions towards buying healthier products.

Nutrition and health or Nutrients and health?

Francesco Visioli, Franca Marangoni, Andrea Poli, Andrea Ghiselli & Daniela Martini. (2021)

International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition.

The aim of our paper is to discuss the aspects underlying the concept of nutrient profiles, that is, defining levels of energy, some macronutrients, or salt which should not be exceeded in individual foods, according to the available evidence, to help in understanding to what extent such approach may actually be useful for improving nutrition and quality of life of European consumers.

Front-of-Pack (FOP) labelling systems to improve the quality of 2 nutrition information to prevent obesity: Nutri-Score vs 3 NutrInform Battery.

Michele O. Carruba et al. (2021).

Eating and Weight Disorders – Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity.

Many systems for classifying food products to adequately predict lower all-cause morbidity and mortality have been proposed as front-of-pack (FOP) nutritional labels. Therefore, the present position paper limits comparing these two FOP nutritional labels, focusing on the evidence suggesting that the NutrInform Battery can help consumers better than the Nutri-Score system to understand nutritional information, potentially improving dietary choices.

Front-Of-Pack” Nutrition Labeling: The scientific-based position of the Italian Society of Human Nutrition (SINU), prepared by the SINU Scientific Board.

Pasquale Strazzullo (direttivo SINU) (2021)

Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases

The present document, prepared by the Scientific Board and reviewed by the Scientific Council of the Italian Society of Human Nutrition, represents the scientific-based position of the Society in relation to the general theme of front-of-pack labeling and in particular to the dualism created between the Nutri-Score and NutrInform Battery proposals.

Sistemi di etichettatura fronte pacco (FOP) utili per migliorare la qualità dell’informazione nutrizionale al pubblico, in un’ottica di prevenzione dell’eccesso ponderale. Nutri-score o Nutrinform Battery?

Michele O. Carruba, Enzo Nisoli, (2021)

CSRO (Centro di studi e ricerca sull’obesità dell’università di Milano)

Il CSRO ha ritenuto di dover fornire un’analisi strettamente scientifica sulla capacità dei due diversi sistemi proposti per “facilitare la comprensione del consumatore, del contributo o dell’importanza dell’alimento ai fini dell’apporto energetico e nutritivo di una dieta, consentendogli di operare scelte alimentari più sane”. Il sistema di etichettatura fronte-pacco proposto dal governo italiano, e denominato Nutrinform Battery, è da considerarsi il più appropriato per aumentare le conoscenze nutrizionali dei consumatori, e per fornire agli stessi le informazioni necessarie per affrontare con maggiore preparazione, e quindi probabilmente migliore risultato, il tema della prevenzione del sovrappeso e dell’obesità.

Lettere di adesione sistema Nutrinform.

Fondazione ADI (Associazione Dietisti Italiani) e SIEDP /ISPED (Società italiana di endocrinologia e diabetologia pediatrica)

Il CdA della Fondazione ADI Associazione Italiana di Dietetica e Nutrizione Clinica si dichiara di aderire alla campagna di sostegno del sistema NutrInform Battery a livello comunitario e la propria disponibilità a diffonderlo nella comunità scientifica e presso il pubblico dei consumatori con le relative informazioni.

Positon Paper sul sistema di etichettatura nutrizionale voluntaria Nutriform Battery.

Ministero di Salute (www.salute.gov.it)

Ricerca sperimentale ha previsto un confronto tra il NutrInform Battery e il sistema francese Nutri score, già adottato da alcuni Paesi europei su base volontaria. il NutrInform Battery è emerso come l’etichetta preferita per la comprensione soggettiva all’interno e attraverso ogni Paese esaminato.

L’etichettatura nutrizionale “Front of Pack”: Posizione della Società Italiana Nutrizione Umana.

Consiglio Direttivo e Comitato Scientifico della SINU

SINU (Società Italiana di Nutrizione Umana).

Se l’obiettivo principale dell’aggiunta di un’etichetta “front-of-pack” è più che ragionevolmente il contrasto alla malnutrizione per eccesso in quanto fattore contribuente allo sviluppo dell’obesità e delle malattie cronico-degenerative non-trasmissibili, la proposta NutrInform Battery appare maggiormente focalizzata in questo senso rispetto alle altre proposte in campo, incluso il Nutri-Score. Essa è suscettibile di essere perfezionata attraverso il superamento delle criticità evidenziate.

“Front-of-pack” nutrition labelling.

Consiglio Direttivo e Comitato Scientifico della SINU

NMCD Journal (Nutrition, Metabolism, & Cardiovascular Diseases).

The present document, prepared by the Scientific Board and reviewed by the Scientific Council of the Italian Society of Human Nutrition, represents the scientific-based position of the Society in relation to the general theme of front-of-pack labeling and in particular to the dualism created between the Nutri-Score and NutrInform Battery proposals.

L’adozione del Nutri-Score può ridurre il rischio di tumori nella popolazione?

Michele O. Carruba, Enzo Nisoli, (September 2021)

CSRO (Centro di studi e ricerca sull’obesità dell’università di Milano)

Being revised for re-submission

  1. Effects of different types of bundles of Front-of-Pack Labels on consumers’ subjective understanding and liking
  2. Trust and algorithm aversion as antecedents of the Front-of-Pack Labels’ Acceptance: A Cross-Country Investigation Toward the Nutrient-Specific Indicators and Summary labels

Presentations / Conferences

Presentation of results of the paper “A cross-country experimental study on consumers’ subjective understanding and liking on front-of-pack nutrition labels“.
Ministero dello Sviluppo economico (January 15th)

Conferenza: “Il Futuro delle Diete Tradizionali: l’educazione dei consumatori attraverso l’etichettatura degli alimenti”. Presentation of results of “Effects on consumers’ subjective understanding and liking of Front-Of-Pack Nutrition Labels: a study on Polish consumers
Italian Embassy in Poland (March 4th)

Conferenza: “El Futuro De Las Dietas Tradicionales: La Educación Del Consumidor A Través Del Etiquetado De Los Alimentos”, Presentation of results of “A cross-country experimental study on consumers’ subjective understanding and liking on front-of-pack nutrition labels
Italian Embassy in Madrid (March 24th)

Conferenza: “Food safety & front of pack labelling: an informative resource for a sustainable nutrition”. Presentation of results of research on Front-of-Pack-Labels effects in Slovenia
Italian Embassy in Slovenia (April 7th)

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