The European Commission is reviewing regulation 1169/11 to adopt a mandatory front-of-pack nutritional label by the end of 2022, as part of the broader Farm to Fork Strategy.
- By 2024, a front-of-pack labelling system indicating the sustainability level of the product will also be in place.
We call on the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council of Europe to adopt a labeling system that empowers consumer freedom of choice.
- The goal of helping European citizens to shift to a healthier and more balanced diet can only be achieved by giving consumers the sufficient and correct information needed to exercise their freedom to make free and conscious choices regarding their own health. When it comes to nutrition, the importance of clear information is particularly relevant, as it is a rapidly-evolving field thanks to the innovation provided by digital technologies, as is the case for highly-customized and -individualized diets.
At Competere, we trust in science and in the empirical method to find solutions to contemporary problems, while at the same time preserving and enhancing our liberties.
This is why we firmly oppose any attempt by political groups and commercial lobbies to introduce ideologically driven schemes that impose pre-designed diets, and inhibit consumer liberties instead of reinforcing them. As an example of this type of label, Nutriscore has been proved to mislead consumers by providing them with biased information on the nutritional values of foods that mold public preferences and science in line with commercial interests.
Read our Manifesto

SCIENCE TO EMPOWER CONSUMERSA collection of consistent scientific studies on front-of-pack labels. The Nutriscore is debunked by solid arguments.
SCIENTISTS TO EMPOWER CONSUMERSA high number of scientists are opposing the Nutriscore.
Nutriscore is an anti-scientific tool in the hands of commercial interest. READ WHY
- SCIENCE vs NUTRISCORE (coming soon)