Advancing food loss technologies and policiesEUROPEAN PARLIAMENT, 13 FEBRUARY, 10:00AM
- 13 February 2024
- Posted by: Competere
- Categories: events, highlights, News, Sustainable Nutrition

Advancing food loss technologies and policies
For this event, Competere is working in partnership with Trane Technologies, and the discussion is hosted by MEP Rosa D’Amato.

February 13th, 2024, European Parliament
On Tuesday, February 13th, we organised the groundbreaking roundtable event “Advancing food loss technologies and policies” at the European Parliament (Room A5E1), in Brussels.
Reducing food loss and waste is a paramount for lowering GHG emission, preventing land degradation, safeguarding biodiversity, and ensuring food security. Food supply chains play a pivotal role through investments in the innovative processes and advanced technologies.
Summary and policy recommendations
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Welcome and Introduction
Rosa D’Amato, MEP
Data and causes of food loss and waste
Gyula Kasza, University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest
EU’s policies and strategies
Alexandra Nikolakopoulou, DG Sante
Mitigating food loss: technology and solutions
Eva Sali, Copa Cogeca
Federica Dolce, Food&Drink Europe
Claudio Zanframundo, Trane Technologies
Malte Piontek, Schwarz Group
Christophe Diercxsens, Too Good To Go
Federica Grassi, SAFE – Safe Food Advocacy Europe
Vito Antonacci, ZeroWaste
Policies supporting technological innovation agains food waste
Rosa D’Amato, MEP
Salvatore De Meo, MEP
Inese Vaidere, MEP
Pietro Paganini,
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